1 Used Peugeot 406 cars for sale
Peugeot, 406
2000 (X) 2L LX 4dr
- 2L
- Miles
- Petrol
- Manual
- Saloon
Why buy a used Peugeot 406?
The Peugeot 406 is a great family choice car which won't cost you a fortune to run. Not the best-looking model in the Peugeot collection, but even second hand it will drive well. Pick up a previously owned model for a very reasonable price through MOTORS.
Peugeot 406 by type
About Peugeot 406 for sale on MOTORS
- What's the most popular Peugeot 406 colour?
- Blue
- What's the most popular Peugeot 406 fuel type?
- Petrol
- What's the Peugeot 406's average power delivery?
- 136 BHP
- What's the Peugeot 406's average fuel economy?
- 34 MPG
- What's the Peugeot 406's average price?
- £595
- What's the Peugeot 406's average mileage?
- 214,000
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